Verlorenkloof Estate Shareblock (Pty) Ltd

The company is for the first time offering a list of timeshare weeks for sale.

This presents a unique opportunity to acquire ownership at Verlorenkloof at excellent values, either in 2-week syndicates or fixed weeks in various Crofts and seasons. Besides offering a variety of outdoor activities in each season, Verlorenkloof is a Gold Crown RCI resort with a high trading value.

The sale prices on the list below include VAT and transfer costs and reasonable offers on any of the weeks will be considered.


C weeks – these weeks are contractually COUPLED to certain weeks (mostly school holidays) every year
F weeks – these weeks FLOAT in between the COUPLED weeks to form the calendar each year.
Syndicate weeks – these weeks are ALLOCATED annually on a preference and allocation basis and differ each year.
LEVIES are invoiced and payable annually by 31 March OR in advance of occupation

LEVIES are invoiced and payable annually by 31 March OR in advance of occupation

LEVIES 2020 (VAT included)
10 bed crofts with pool R 9300/week/annum
10 bed crofts R 8600/week/annum
6 bed crofts R 7700/week/annum

Office cell – 082 048 0777