Being an avid sports enthusiast and participant, I fully grasp the importance of exposing the people around me, be it young or old, to the pleasures of exercise. My passion for rugby is the driving force why I want to expose others from a young age to this wonderful game, as opposed to it being forced upon them later in life. That is why I decided to organise an informal rugby clinic for the kids of the Verlorenkloof Village during the second week of December. The idea behind this initiative was to expose the kids in the Village to a sport that demands discipline, promotes an active lifestyle, emphasizes the importance of teamwork and hopefully ensures the kids leave the field with a positive mind and self-confidence.
Our sessions were basic and `non-contact’. It involved a few passing drills and afterwards a game of `touch-rugby’. Well-developed ball skills and an eye for the `gap’ of the kids at the Verlorenkloof Village were just two of the things that impressed me most, especially as this was the first time that most of them touched a rugby ball. Watching the kids play with so much vigor and enthusiasm, even though for some the ball was about half their body size, would put a smile on anyone’s face. I hope to continue these clinics in the future, even if it’s to improve the life of one child on the farm and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Who knows, maybe a future Springbok captain will be born and raised at Verlorenkloof. – Geor Schulze, Croft 23
“We should try to leave the world a better place than when we entered it. As individuals, we can make a difference, whether it is to probe the secrets of Nature, to clean up the environment and work for peace and social justice, or to nurture the inquisitive, vibrant spirit of the young by being a mentor and a guide.”
– Michio Kaku